高める革新的なツールである..ADNETGOAL is a REVOLUTIONARY TOOL that allows clubs, rights holders and brands to an exceptional opportunity of exposure. ....
Placed behind the goal, between the net and the LED boards, ADNETGOAL offers an extensive TV coverage on live transmissions and highlights. ....
....緑の芝生の上の白文字は強いコントラストでメッセージを際立たせ、綺麗で上品な印象を与える..The white letters on the green grass make the message stand out with a great contrast and it offers a clean and classy look. ....
....このツールの利点はテレビ放映の際に効果的な広告を求めるブランドにとって現在提供できるツールの中でも最も魅力的なものである。また、全ての当事者に対して高い費用対効果も提供..The benefits of this tool make it interesting for brands looking for exclusive high-end exposure within the most attractive media platform available today. Apart from offering a tremendous ROI for all parties involved. ....
....利点>世界中で特許取得、選手の安全を100%保証、天候に左右されず、簡単に設置とメンテナンス可能..BENEFITS > Patented Worlwide, 100% safe for players, weather resistant and simple to install and maintain. ....

ADNETGOAL is the creative response to a big challenge; providing the best advertising support due to its location, elegance and integration. ....
Patented worldwide, ADNETGOAL is 100% safe for players, has a quick ROI, a high emotional value to the audience, it’s simple to set up and its accepted and strictly integrated in the FIFA regulations. ....